Winners of the Fabled Environments Giveaway Contest

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Savage Bloggers Network and Fabled Environments are excited to announce the winners of the Fabled Environments Giveaway Contest!

Third Place Winner

Scott Marchand Davis

Map Used

An Average Modern Shopping Mall

Adventure Proposed

Set in a far future post-apocalyptic version of New England filled with magic, psionics, artifice, alchemy, and divine power from nine gods, as well as new humanoid races, the party fights against lizardmen and other parties from rival cities to recover ancient stones from a ruined mall holds unlooted powerstones (diamonds)!

Second Place Winner

Rich Fox

Map Used

Church from the An Average Wild West Town

Adventure Proposed

Set in 1926 Buchanan, MI, a group of Boy Scouts and their Scout master camp near an old dense forest curious about the strange sightings and noises at night only to discover an old church where strange things are afoot.

First Place Winner

Eric Lamoureux

Map Used

An Average Modern Bowling Alley

Adventure Proposed

Strangeness is abound when college students go missing after the launch party for a new energy drink, Spidermonkey, and the clues lead back to the location of the party, the bowling alley, and its owner.

What’s Next?

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thank you to everyone who submitted an entry! Fabled Environments will be reaching out to the winners regarding their prizes and next steps for working on those one-sheet adventures.

Be sure to keep listening to the podcast for possible contests in the future.


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