Support the SBN Podcast, Get a Free Copy of Winter Eternal

illustration of Deadfalls, a city in Winter Eternal's fictional world of Elherrac

March has begun, spring approaches, but WINTER IS ETERNAL!

The Savage Bloggers Network and Just Insert Imagination are thrilled to announce that SBN Patreon patrons who support the podcast during the month of March will be given a free PDF copy of Winter Eternal, the dark, cold Savage Worlds fantasy setting of Ehlerrac.

Simply head on over to our Patreon page, and add your pledge for the show through one of our reward levels. After the end of March, we’ll verify your email address for your DriveThruRPG account to which Just Insert Imagination will distribute your full discount for Winter Eternal. Of course our existing Patreon patrons will receive a copy of the PDF as well.


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